Generally I am not arrogant or judgemental in evaluating fellow human beings. But off late I met some extraordinary specimen which urged me to unleash my arrogance towards them and also it reminded me to write here after a gap of 3 months..
1. Some are very extravagant in praising themselves but very poor in giving due respect to others
For example they bought a new dress or new set of jewelry. It might not be worth a single penny to admire but they will be praising it continuously even if the other party who is at the receiving end would have fainted as an aftermath of such a self-praise. Meanwhile if someone else had bought a genuinely nice thing, they would find some fault in it no matter what…
2. Some are not at all open in their thinking and attitude to others.
You are going to a Children’s park or attending a family function with lots of kids. May be your kids are kinda smart and may be over-powering other kids in all senses. But it does not give the right to deteriorate them and again start praising your own kids. I understand the “love” you have towards them but remember other parents also loving their kids, may be not more than what you do but never less…
3. Some are very religious but a big zero in terms of their beahviour
Some run to church almost every day or to any prayer event. I think such people’s life also should be complementing such a behaviour of spirituality. But nothing.. They are worse compared to the others who are fewer mortals. Be it any argument, compassion, money matters etc.
4. Money is something or may be more than something. But It’s not everything
These are the ones who will die for a single penny or the ones who count the no of BMW's and Porches present after a prestigious function.
To be continued....