Monday 7 January 2013

New Year

Its New Year again. 2012 passed in front of my eyes, just like a flash of light.
Rewinding back the past year, it was good.Lots of good memories to ponder.It was the year,I became a mother for the very first time.. :).Hubby's promotion,my mother's new house,various functions,visiting Thailand, reconciling with an old friend after 6 long years ,all happened in this year.
About the new year resolutions, the main one is to loose some pounds.
Get fitter,be less to anger, save 20% of the salary every month also in the cards.
Be more adjusting and  also to cut down arguments and fights with the better half.(Planning on this one :D). Also I want to visit Europe or US.
I wanted to get 4-wheel driving licence before I hit 30. I did and I am driving to work nowadays.I am turning 30 on 9th of Jan this year,which is tomorrow.
At 30,life starts yet again or is it @ 40??LOL


  1. Hello Deepa,

    Stumbled across your blog by chance. Wishing you a wonderful belated happy birthday! Hope you had a good one.

    I turned the big 4-0 a few months back. And I don't know about whether life starts at 30 or 40, but it is true that you begin to cherish life more dearly at that age :)

    1. Hi, WELL thanks for commenting.. Yep i can see that diffrence in past couple of years in my self...we start realizing the value of many overlooked things and people... :)
