Sunday 9 December 2012

Jingle Bells!Jingle Bells

Its Christmas time yet again! And its everyone's favourite time of the year. Till today I haven't met anybody who does not get excited hearing the word Christmas. I remember my hubby telling in June...yayayayay 'Its only 6 more months for Christmas'.. Such is the excitement I say!!
The shopping malls in Dubai started displaying winter clothing.The celebrations here start as early as in October. The Filipino family  stays next door decorated their home in November first week itself.All the  shopping malls there is a big Christmas tree put up.

Me ,hubby and little gaby(my son) put up the Christmas decorations at my home as well. I am travelling to Kerala on 26th December.Its Gaby's First Birthday on Jan 3rd. My parents wont be around on his birthday. So to compensate that me and gaby will spend some time  with them  towards the year end.

Rewinding the year 2012, it has been good. Last year's Christmas gift was my son (though the delivery of the gift was a bit late.. :) ). Soon I am hitting 30.. don't know whether to feel good or bad about it.. (But generally i feel sad about that fact! How did you feel ?)

Its time for some  home made wine,plum cake, cutlets,Carol songs,winter clothing..In Kerala its time for weddings post Christmas.I have 3 major functions to attend.2 are confirmed and other one is in pipeline.Ok !Ok! Let me not get too much excited about the whole thing... :)

Here is picture I took during my recent trip to Thailand.(Not a complete picture.But wanted to post it anyway!)

Wishing you All A Merry Christmas and A Wonderful New Year!

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