Friday 19 June 2015


Its always been the case with me or rather with everyone that is when we are away from something we tend to value it a lot.

June 18th marked the beginning of Ramadan 2015. Am I fasting ? No. Am I in Dubai? No.But still everyday morning at work  I check quite religiously  to keep a check on whats happening in and around Dubai during Ramadan.

Last year I persuaded my colleagues to go for Iftar and we all went for it .The reason being that  I knew it would remain as 'The Iftar' and I wanted to cherish it for sometime till I get another chance to have Iftar in Dubai 

I landed in Dubai in Oct 2008 and I remember it was Eid-Al-Adha sometime in Dec 2008. I was greeted by the lady next door and that was when I realized it was a festival that day.
Following year I learned how religiously people follow Ramadan in Dubai. I learned about it more when I started working for Emirates Airline in 2010 Aug .

If prompting someone to break their fast is a sin then I have sinned :). We 3 at work got into his(the one who broke his fast) car ,drove to Deira City Center , got Burgers from Burger King ,came back to the parking lot and ate a lot sitting in his car. I still remember his agonized face because during Iftar the same day he had to act all hungry and thirsty  while breaking the fast around his family. Yeah I take all the blame ...:)
Moving out of Dubai has definitely created  a vacuum somewhere in me. Seeing my Facebook friends' post about this year's Ramadan makes me wanna jump into that vacuum and sulk sitting there all the day. But I need to move on and thrive in this emotional unbalance for my own betterment.

Take Care!