Wednesday 20 April 2011


  15 things about me , here it goes :

1)      I am very emotional and I am lead by my heart though people think otherwise.
2)      I always wanted to become a singer. My mother dint send me to music classes in my childhood which I regret till now. And you all thank God she dint .. :P
3)      Computers were never a career choice for me. I am a Software Engineer now.
4)      I believe whatever happens, happens for good (or bad!)..but it happens
Now that’s ma say abt it…
5)      I like to hang around with my friends. I have made good set of friends over these years. I still feel over losing a friend of mine
6)      I used to party so much but maybe cuz I overdid it I do not like it anymore.
7)      I started blogging in August 2006 in RediffBlogs. The second entry in my blog was in 2007, and then some of them were in 2008. Then using some ultramodern techniques of mine I moved my blog to Blogger, which resulted in losing some of my previous blogs. That declares me as lousy blogger. LOL
8)      I like to Travel, explore new things.
9)      I was a hard-core romantic in some part of my life. I guess I still am.
10)   I am short tempered
11)    “Lousy “is the latest addition to my day-today vocabulary.
12)     Marraige requires a lot of patience which i dont have much.
13)    One of my unfulfilled wish is to celebrate X’mas in new York
14)   There are hundreds of wishes and secrets which is deep buried inside my heart which of course cannot be written in a space like this :P
15)   I am running short of ideas here.


  1. what a coincidence! i was thinking about the 4th point u mentioned just this morning!

  2. @lilac, really?? we are all forced to beleive like that..
